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When Can a Person Be Charged With Human Trafficking in Wisconsin?

 Posted on May 10, 2023 in Criminal Defense

b2ap3_thumbnail_nicole-GRGB_20230510-210343_1.pngBy: Attorney Nicole Masnica 

Human trafficking is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe legal consequences in the state of Wisconsin. The state's laws on human trafficking cover a wide range of activities related to transporting or harboring people to perform labor or engage in commercial sex acts. A person found guilty of human trafficking can face severe legal consequences, including imprisonment, hefty fines, and a lifelong criminal record. If you are facing charges of human trafficking or other sensitive crimes in Wisconsin, it is essential to understand the nature of the charges and the potential penalties of a conviction.

What Is Human Trafficking?

According to Wisconsin statute 940.302, human trafficking occurs when a person intentionally recruits, entices, transports, or harbors another individual for the purpose of labor or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking can involve many different activities, including:

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What Are the Consequences of Crimes Against Children in Wisconsin?

 Posted on April 29, 2023 in Criminal Defense

milwaukee criminal defense lawyerBy: Attorney Nicole Masnica

Children are considered to be some of the most vulnerable members of society because they are unable to fully protect themselves, and they rely on parents or guardians to meet their needs. For this reason, crimes committed against children are taken very seriously by law enforcement, and the consequences of a conviction can be severe. Charges of crimes against children can have a significant impact on a person's reputation, freedom, and future. Anyone who has been accused of these sensitive crimes will need to understand the nature of the charges against them and their options for defense.

Criminal Offenses Involving Children in Wisconsin

Crimes against children may involve any offenses in which a person is accused of causing harm to a minor or engaging in actions that could put a child at risk of harm. These charges may include:

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When Can a Person Face Drug Distribution or Drug Trafficking Charges?

 Posted on April 24, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Drug crimes are some of the most serious offenses in Wisconsin. Many of these offenses are related to the possession of controlled substances. A person who is found to have illegal drugs on their person, in their home, or in their vehicle can face penalties such as jail time, fines, probation, and mandatory drug treatment if they are convicted of drug possession offenses. However, if a person is accused of distributing drugs to others or engaging in the business of manufacturing, transporting, or selling controlled substances, they may face more serious charges related to drug distribution or drug trafficking.

The State of Wisconsin takes drug offenses very seriously, and the penalties for a drug distribution or drug trafficking conviction can be severe. In some cases, federal charges may apply. It is important for defendants to understand the potential consequences they may face, as well as their options for defense.

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What Are the Penalties for a Sexual Assault Conviction in Wisconsin?

 Posted on April 20, 2023 in Personal Injury

Sexual assault is one of the most serious criminal offenses a person can be charged with in Wisconsin, and law enforcement officials and prosecutors take these cases very seriously. A conviction for this type of sex crime can lead to severe consequences that can impact your life in countless ways. If you have been charged with sexual assault or a related offense, it is important to understand the potential penalties you may face if you are convicted. In these situations, representation by an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial, and your lawyer can advise you of your rights, help you understand your options for defense, and advocate for the best possible outcome to your case.

Please note that this section discusses sexual assault charges in which the victim is an adult. Charges involving underaged victims are not discussed elsewhere.

Under Wisconsin law, there are four degrees of sexual assault, with first-degree being the most severe and fourth-degree the least. The following definitions are useful in understanding the severity of a sexual assault claim.

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When Can a Person Be Charged With Homicide in Wisconsin?

 Posted on April 17, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Accusations of any type of criminal charges can be troubling, and those who have been arrested and charged with crimes may be unsure about their options for defense. However, charges of homicide, murder, manslaughter, or related offenses can be especially serious, and being accused of these types of offenses can be an incredibly frightening situation. It is important for criminal defendants to understand the laws that address homicide in Wisconsin and the circumstances that can lead to these types of charges. With the help of a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney, a person can determine the best defense strategies in these situations.

Homicide Charges Under Wisconsin Law

Homicide is a term that refers to the unlawful killing of another person. Under Wisconsin law, there are several different categories of homicide charges, each with its own set of circumstances and potential consequences. These offenses include:

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Gov. Tony Evers Extends Record for Number of Pardons Granted in Wisconsin

 Posted on April 12, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Many people believe that the criminal justice system in the United States is broken. People are often tried and convicted of crimes and subject to harsh sentences, even for low-level crimes such as drug possession or theft. Criminal arrests and convictions can have significant effects on people's lives, since a criminal record may prevent them from obtaining employment, education, or housing, and it may disqualify them from receiving professional licenses. Many people struggle to reintegrate into society after serving their sentences, and they may feel that they have no choice but to engage in further illegal activity, which could lead to additional criminal charges, convictions, and prison sentences.

To help address this issue, the state of Wisconsin allows the governor to grant pardons to certain offenders. During his time in office, Governor Tony Evers has issued a record number of pardons, and he continues to use his authority to grant clemency and provide people with second chances. Recently, he pardoned 159 people, bringing the total number of pardons he has issued to 933. This is in contrast to the previous governor, Scott Walker, who did not issue a single pardon during his time in office, and Governor Jim Doyle, who granted fewer than 300 pardons during his two terms.

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Fall Injuries Can Occur Because of Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

 Posted on April 06, 2023 in Personal Injury

As people grow older, they tend to become more vulnerable to a wide range of physical injuries. Falls are one of the most common causes of injuries among elderly adults. Unfortunately, fall injuries can often be attributed to nursing home neglect or abuse. For family members of nursing home patients, it is crucial to understand when and how fall injuries can occur due to abuse or neglect. Some common issues that can lead to falls in nursing homes include:

Staff Shortages

Understaffing is one of the major causes of nursing home neglect, which can lead to fall injuries and other forms of harm to patients. When there are not enough staff members at a nursing home to properly care of all residents, the chances of falls occurring increases drastically. In many cases, elderly patients need assistance with mobility, and if they do not have someone to assist them, they may try to get up or move about on their own, potentially leading to a fall. Not only does inadequate staffing increase the risk for a resident to injure themselves attempting to move, but it causes other staff members to increase fall risks by moving residents without the proper equipment or number of staff assisting the resident.

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3 Tax-Related Issues to Address During Divorce

 Posted on March 31, 2023 in Divorce

milwaukee divorce lawyerThe choice to end a marriage is rarely easy. Even if a couple is in agreement about the divorce, and both spouses are willing to work together to split amicably, there are numerous issues that will need to be addressed during the divorce process. Some of the most complex issues will be related to the division of marital property, and in addition to determining how ownership of different assets will be addressed, a couple will need to understand how these decisions will impact them financially. Tax-related issues can have a significant impact on both parties' finances after the divorce is finalized. It is important to carefully consider all tax-related issues when negotiating a divorce settlement to ensure that future financial complications can be avoided. Some tax considerations that couples may need to address during divorce include:

Filing Status

Generally, married spouses who file their taxes jointly have lower tax rates than those who file separately. Because of this, it may be beneficial for a couple to continue to file taxes jointly while they are still legally married. A couple who finalized their divorce on or before December 31 of a given year cannot file a joint return for that year. However, if the couple is still legally married on December 31, they can file a joint return. This may result in savings for both parties. In these situations, it will be important for a couple to understand how any tax refund they receive will be divided or who will be responsible for paying any taxes that are owed.

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What Are the Criminal Charges for OWI Resulting in Injury or Death?

 Posted on March 31, 2023 in Personal Injury

Many people in Wisconsin enjoy drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, this leads some to get behind the wheel after they have had too much to drink. The use of other substances, such as marijuana, prescription drugs, or illegal narcotics, can also impair a person's ability to drive safely. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in Wisconsin, and it is referred to as Operating While Intoxicated or OWI.

For individuals who get behind the wheel while intoxicated and cause an accident resulting in injury or death, the consequences can be severe. A driver who caused a crash because they were intoxicated may face various criminal charges, and a conviction may result in multiple types of serious penalties, including jail time, large fines, the loss of a driver's license, and damage to their reputation and their ability to find a job in the future. By understanding the criminal charges a person may face if they drive drunk and cause an accident resulting in injury or death, Wisconsin residents can work with an attorney to determine their options in these situations.

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What Is a Parenting Plan in a Wisconsin Divorce or Child Custody Case?

 Posted on March 22, 2023 in Family Law

Blog ImageBy:  Attorney Max Stephenson

When parents choose to get a divorce, they will usually be looking to avoid disruptions to their children's lives as much as possible. As parents address issues related to child custody, they will make many decisions addressing how they will cooperate to address parenting issues going forward and when children will live with each parent. To provide stability and ensure that the children’s interests are protected, Wisconsin law requires divorcing parents or unmarried parents who are addressing child custody issues to create a parenting plan. It is important for parents to understand how issues related to parenting plans will be handled and what must be included in these agreements.

Understanding Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is a written agreement between two parents who are getting divorced or separating. The purpose of this document is to provide clarity regarding the rights and responsibilities of each parent in regard to raising their children. It will also address issues related to physical placement (also known as visitation), as well as communication between parents, transportation for children, and other child-related concerns. The goal of creating a parenting plan is to make sure that parents will be able to work together to provide for their children's best interests.

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