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Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS)


Wisconsin DSPS Lawyer

Milwaukee Professional License Defense Attorney for Cases Involving the Department of Safety and Professional Services

In Wisconsin, licensed professionals are regulated by the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). This agency consists of numerous examining boards, which review license applications, respond to complaints, perform investigations, and take disciplinary action when necessary. Professionals who may face discipline will need to understand what steps they can take to defend their licenses, and they can do so with the help of a qualified, experienced attorney.

At Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP, we have the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to address concerns related to professional licensing. We have represented clients in many cases involving DSPS investigations and disciplinary hearings. With our understanding of the issues addressed in these cases, we can help licensed professionals take steps to defend against discipline, maintain their licenses, and continue working in their chosen fields.

Professions Overseen by the DSPS

The Department of Safety and Professional Services handles licensing for many different types of professionals, including:

  • Accountants: Certified public accountants (CPAs) and accounting firms are overseen by the Accounting Examining Board.
  • Nurses: Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced practice nurses, and Nurse Midwives are overseen by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing.
  • Healthcare professionals: The Medical Examining Board oversees physicians, surgeons, and other doctors. It includes several boards that address specific areas of healthcare, including the Physician Assistant Affiliated Credentialing Board, the Council on Anesthesiologist Assistants, the Occupational Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board, and the Podiatry Affiliated Credentialing Board.
  • Dentists: The Dentistry Examining Board oversees, dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, and others in the dental field.
  • Chiropractors: The Chiropractic Examining Board oversees chiropractors and chiropractic technicians.
  • Pharmacists: The Pharmacy Examining Board oversees pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, drug/device manufacturers, and wholesale drug distributors.
  • Psychologists and counselors: Psychologists are overseen by the Psychology Examining Board, while social workers and other types of counselors, such as marriage and family therapists, are overseen by the Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board.

DSPS Disciplinary Actions

The Department of Safety and Professional Services may investigate a professional based on complaints from customers or patients. It may also take action to address issues such as criminal convictions, medical or professional malpractice, or operating outside the bounds of a license. Disciplinary action in these cases may include:

  • Reprimand: A formal notice may be added to a person's professional record showing that they have engaged in questionable practices or that they may have violated ethical standards. While a reprimand may not affect a person's ability to continue working in their profession, it could harm their reputation.
  • Fines/restitution: Violations may be addressed by levying monetary fines, or a professional may be required to pay restitution to address any harm caused due to their misconduct.
  • Refusal to renew a license: While the DSPS may not immediately take action to terminate a license, it may choose not to renew a person's license after it expires, preventing them from continuing to practice in the future.
  • Suspension: A person's license may be suspended temporarily, preventing them from practicing for a certain period of time. Before a license can be reinstated, a professional may need to complete remedial education or training, or they may be required to complete a period of probation during which their practice will be limited.
  • Revocation: In the most serious cases, a person's license may be permanently revoked, preventing them from practicing in Wisconsin and also limiting their ability to obtain a license in other states.

Contact Our Wisconsin DSPS Investigation Attorneys

Professionals who need to address issues that may affect their licenses may be concerned about potential discipline or other issues that could limit their ability to practice. At Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP, our Milwaukee professional license defense lawyers understand the procedures followed during DSPS investigations and disciplinary proceedings, and we can help professionals defend against disciplinary action or other related issues. To learn more about how we can assist with cases involving the DSPS, contact us today at 414-271-1440.

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