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State Charges


Wisconsin Criminal Defense Attorneys – Defending You In State Court

Serving Clients Throughout Wisconsin

Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP criminal defense lawyers bring diverse backgrounds and experience to their roles as zealous advocates for the rights of individuals charged with crimes in Wisconsin state courts.  This diversity allows us to use a team approach to representing our clients, ensuring that each phase of your case from pre-charge investigations through appeals, is given the attention it requires.  In addition to our in-house team, when necessary, we work with forensic experts, technicians, investigators and other professionals in preparing and presenting our defense.

State Charges and Criminal Offenses

Our attorneys counsel and defend people under investigation and charged with these and other offenses that are crimes under Wisconsin law:

  • Arson, Negligent Handling of Fire Materials
  • Computer-Related Offenses
  • Disorderly Conduct, Battery
  • Drug Possession, Trafficking and Distribution
  • Fraud, Forgery or Identity Theft
  • Homicide/Manslaughter
  • Impaired Driving
    • Injury by Intoxicated Use of a Vehicle
  • Property Crimes
  • Sensitive Crimes
  • White Collar Crimes

Talk to an Attorney Before Talking to Investigators

Too often, people think if they cooperate, they can talk their way out of being arrested or charged with a crime. When investigators ask if they can talk with you, they don’t tell you everything they know or what other people have told them. As a result, you have no way of knowing if you are simply a witness, a prime suspect or if a decision has already been made to arrest you. When talking to investigators of your own free will, anything you say can be used against you later in court. Our attorneys will protect your rights.

Contact Us

To schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your case, call one of our criminal defense attorneys at 414-271-1440 or send us an  e-mail. We are here to protect your rights.

Attorneys on our State Charges Team:

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