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Janesville Car Accident Attorney

Attorneys Helping Those Serious Injured In Car Accidents in Janesville

At Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP, we understand that one of the most overwhelming experiences many people are forced to deal with is being injured in a car accident caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party. Victims of these accidents are often left facing mounting medical bills and loss of income, as well as issues that affect their quality of life.

Under Wisconsin law, any person who has sustained injuries in a car accident caused by another party is entitled to pursue legal action against that party to obtain financial compensation for the losses the injuries have caused. These losses can be both economic and non-economic. The ultimate goal of a car accident claim is to make the injured person "whole" again, and a Janesville car accident attorney is essential to making this happen.

Damages You May Be Entitled to After a Car Accident

There are a variety of forms of compensation available to people injured in car accidents. One of the most straightforward is economic damages. These are damages related to specific, easily calculated harm a person suffered due to an accident. Two of the most common damages – medical expenses and loss of income – are economic damages.

You may also be entitled to non-economic damages. Rather than being tied to specific financial harm, non-economic damages are meant to compensate victims for the emotional harm that they suffer. Examples include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Permanent disability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

In some cases, the injured party may also be entitled to punitive damages. These damages are not meant to make the injured party whole but to punish the at-fault party for especially egregious behavior. For example, if the at-fault driver was driving under the influence of alcohol when the crash occurred, they could be ordered to pay punitive damages to send the message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

Insurance Companies Often Give Car Accident Victims Lowball Offers

Although many people attempt to file their own insurance claims after suffering injuries in collisions, they soon realize that they need the assistance of a skilled car accident lawyer. Without a lawyer advocating for you, you are left at the mercy of the insurance company. It is important to remember that insurance companies are not looking out for your best interest, despite what an adjuster may be telling you. They are only concerned with their bottom line.

Insurance adjusters are trained to use manipulative tactics to pressure you into settling quickly before the actual extent of your injuries is known or before you have the chance to speak with a car accident lawyer. For example, many insurance companies will make a quick settlement offer and then pressure you to accept it, telling you that it is only on the table for a limited amount of time. The adjuster knows you are likely stressed out about mounting medical bills and your lost income due to time away from work. Without an attorney advocating for you, the amount the insurance company offers you will likely be far below what you should receive.

Depending on the extent of your injuries, the settlement amount may not cover future medical bills for injuries that need long-term treatment. If the injury has left you with a permanent disability that will leave you unable to go back to the type of work you did before the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of future income.

Another tactic the insurance company may use is to drag your claim out to force you to take a low settlement. They may also try to deny your claim completely. When you have a car accident lawyer from Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP on your side, insurance companies will be less likely to attempt these tricks, because they know our firm will not back down and is willing to take the legal steps – including pursuing litigation – to get you the compensation you deserve.

Contact Our Janesville, WI Car Accident Lawyers

If you have suffered injuries in a crash caused by someone else, do not try to deal with an insurance company on your own. Call Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP at 414-271-1440 to schedule a free and confidential consultation. Let our Janesville car accident lawyers focus on getting you the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery. Contact us now.

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