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Analysis Suggests Wisconsin May be Worst State for Racial Disparity and Oppression

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Criminal Defense

Minority oppression and disparity has always been an issue in America, but its continuance (and the resulting effects) are more prevalent in certain areas of the country. After reviewing major studies published over the last few years, analysts believe that Wisconsin may be the worst in the nation for racial disparity. This translates into a number of disadvantages for the state’s minorities, including an increased risk for wrongful arrests and convictions. Appleton Arrest Rates Outweigh Ferguson’s The racial disparity and injustice in Ferguson, Missouri have been the target of media spotlights for some time now, and for good reason:  in Ferguson, black arrests outweigh white arrests at a ratio of three to one. However, a review of recent arrest statistics in Appleton, WI found an even greater disparity. There, African American residents make up only four percent of the total population, yet they are subject to nearly 60 percent of all arrests. An examination of the state prison’s records revealed similarly disturbing disparities for African Americans. Over half of all Milwaukee County African American men in their early 30s and 40s have been incarcerated at some point in their lives, and a 2014 study found that one in eight African American men in Wisconsin are currently incarcerated. These statistics far exceed those found in other states by a startling and significant margin. Poverty, Joblessness, Other Areas of Oppression Perpetuate the Issue Most economists will agree that justice disparity goes hand-in-hand with poverty and other areas of oppression, such as difficulty finding employment. Sadly, these issues were found to be far worse for African Americans in Wisconsin than in other states, the analysis found. In Milwaukee, where the overall poverty rate is just eight percent, 36 percent of all African Americans are impoverished. And in Madison, the overall poverty rate for African American families is even worse—over 50 percent. Facing Criminal Charges or Wrongfully Arrested? Get Experienced and Aggressive Help Although the recently released information suggests there is little hope for improving the social injustices for minorities of Wisconsin, there are people willing to stand up for social equality. The attorneys of Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP have more than 40 years of experience in protecting the rights of residents in the Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, and Waukesha areas. Inquire as to how our Milwaukee criminal defense attorneys may be able to help with your case by calling 414-271-1440 to schedule your consultation today.



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