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Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Personal Injury

Wisconsin personal injury attorney, Wisconsin wrongful death lawyer, Wisconsin car accident lawyerSustaining an injury due to an accident can be traumatic. As a victim, you may be entitled to compensation for the damage and injuries you sustained, but knowing how to access this compensation can be difficult. In many cases, insurance companies will only offer to pay the minimum amount possible, and in reality, insurance companies have little incentive to pay any more than that. Your insurance company may be difficult to work with and may only offer you a minimal settlement. Do not let the trauma of your accident follow you during your recovery. If you are entitled to compensation, you need the help of a qualified personal injury attorney. Here is how we can help.

What Can I Be Compensated for?

So, you have recently been in an accident. You know you are entitled to compensation, but how much? You reach out to your insurance agency, and they try to justify only offering you a minimal amount of compensation. Where do you turn next? A personal injury attorney can help you hold your insurance company accountable for the full amount of compensation you deserve to receive. If your accident was caused by someone else, you may be entitled to compensation for a number of different purposes. These include:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Possible medical expenses in the future;
  • Reimbursement for any medical care you have already received;
  • Lost wages;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Rehabilitation; and
  • Disfigurement.

As a victim, you should seek the help of a personal injury attorney immediately after your accident occurs. Your attorney will review your case and inform you of all the different types of compensation you may be entitled to. Each case is different and complicated, and your attorney can work with you to request additional compensation from your insurance provider and will file the necessary claims against the parties responsible for the accident.

What Steps Should I Take after My Accident?

If you have been the victim of an accident, there are a few steps you can take to help ensure you receive fair compensation.

Document the Accident: Document as many details about your accident as possible, and as soon as possible. Attorneys recommend taking photos of the scene of your accident and any injuries you have sustained. Request more information from authorities including police reports, information on any witnesses of the accident, and any other helpful documentation. If the accident occurred at a place of business, you should also request that the business complete their own report of the incident for further documentation.

Get Medical Attention: If you have sustained any injuries during the accident, you should seek immediate medical attention. Not only will this initiate your recovery process, it will also prove that the injuries you sustained are legitimate. If you have pain or other side effects that continue after your accident, continue seeking medical help and receiving treatment.

Use Caution: In some cases, your insurance company may request that you waive any claims you may have in exchange for some amount of compensation. Do not sign anything until you are working with an attorney.

Contact a Skilled Personal Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one is the victim of an accident, you need the help of a qualified Milwaukee personal injury attorney immediately. At Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP, our attorneys dedicated to obtaining fair compensation for victims of accidents. Call 414-271-1440 to speak to one of our aggressive attorneys today. We will work vigorously to ensure fair compensation for you and your loved ones.




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