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Amusement Park Injuries

Amusement Park Injuries

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Personal Injury

Wisconsin personal injury attorney, Wisconis accident lawyer, Wisconsin wrongful death attorneyWisconsin has many recreational activities to offer residents and visitors, but those same activities present many dangers and result in numerous injuries to many who visit. Numerous accidents occur at amusement parks and waterparks in Wisconsin and throughout the United States and people are injured as a direct result of the negligence of somebody else.

If you or someone you love was injured in a waterpark or an amusement park accident in Wisconsin, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you explore all of your legal options, and recover the largest settlement possible to compensate you for your injuries.

Common Amusement Park Ride Injuries

Just this past summer, there was an incident at Wisconsin Dells Mt. Olympus Theme Park that resulted in a ride being removed from the park. The ride, called "the Catapult", is a bungee cord ride which sends riders up into the air and then bounces them. In June, as a Wisconsin adult and teen were strapped into the ride, the bungee cord snapped, and came crashing down beside them, creating a hole in the ground. The company that owns the park investigated the incident and required the ride be permanently removed from their park. Luckily, no one was injured in that incident.

In 2014, Mt. Olympus also permanently removed a ride from its indoor park. It did so after a 63-year-old man fell nearly 17 feet from a roller coaster, after his safety bar became unlocked mid-ride. He was not so lucky, and suffered several bone fractures and a brain injury.

Park ride operators are obligated by law to follow safety protocols and employ fail safe measures, but when they make a mistake, it often results in major life altering injuries, or even death. Other common waterpark and amusement park injuries include drowning, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, whiplash, concussions, and broken bones.

Common Causes of Waterpark and Amusement Park Accidents

There are many reasons why accidents occur at waterparks and amusement parks. These are places filled with high flying and fast moving equipment and bustling with people. Unfortunately, that is a recipe for accidents to occur, and any number of things can and do regularly go wrong. In addition to safety bars breaking like in the example discussed above, sometimes they are improperly secured in the first instance. Sometimes there is a failure to properly use safety nets as instructed by the ride manufacturers. Sometimes the operator stops the ride too quickly and, on occasion, people are thrown from rides, depending on how abrupt a stop is. Finally, rides break down with regularity, and that or power outages can cause people to become stranded for long periods of time, during which any number of injuries can be sustained.

Let Us Help You Today

Our skilled Milwaukee personal injury attorneys are experienced in recovering for personal injuries sustained at amusement parks and waterparks; we are ready to help you through the roller coaster of laws and deal with the park owners and insurance companies to get you the settlement you deserve.  Call us at 414-271-1440 or send us an e-mail today for a consultation, so we can explore your legal rights.

Source: http://kare11.com/story//local/2015/07/09/woman-teen-avoid-injury-after-wisconsin-dells-ride-snaps/29947447/
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