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Questions an Insurance Agency Will Ask About a Property Damage Claim

 Posted on October 20, 2017 in Insurance Coverage

Milwaukee insurance coverage dispute attorneys, insurance coverage litigation, property damage claim, property damage,  insurance policyThe purpose of having homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance is to provide you with a safety net when the unexpected happens. You pay your monthly premiums with the understanding that if your property is damaged, you will receive payment to cover your losses.

In ideal situations, you will file a claim after your property is damaged and your insurance company will cover the costs of repairs according to your policy. However, it is in these companies’ best interests to avoid paying out money. Hence, claims are often denied.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of the questions that your insurance company will ask after you have filed a claim and to be prepared to provide answers that will ensure you receive payment. The correct answers can put you in a good position if insurance coverage litigation is required.

Answering Property Damage Claim Questions

  • What happened? An insurance claims adjuster will ask for an explanation of how property damage was caused to determine whether the damage is covered under your policy. Typically, damage from fires, windstorms, vehicles, theft, vandalism, and falling objects is covered, while damage from floods or earthquakes is not. Being able to clearly demonstrate the circumstances of the damage and show that it falls under the type of damage covered by your policy will ensure that you receive payment for repairs. 
  • What was damaged? An adjuster will need a full inventory of all property that was damaged, including both real property (your house and any other structures on your property) and personal property (your personal belongings). Providing a list of damaged items, including brand names and model numbers of electronics and appliances, as well as photos of damaged property, will help the claims process proceed more smoothly. 
  • What was the value of damaged property? Your insurance company will want to determine the actual value of what was lost, and it may compensate you for these losses by paying the actual cash value of property or paying for the cost of replacement or repairs. Providing receipts and photographs can help establish the correct value of your lost property.
  • Has anything changed since the damage occurred? An adjuster will want to inspect damaged property as it exists immediately after the damage occurred. However, you may need to make some repairs to prevent further damage. Therefore, be sure to take photographs before doing so. 
  • Are temporary living arrangements necessary? If your home is uninhabitable, your policy should cover some of the costs of temporary repairs and living arrangements. Be sure you understand your policy’s limits for these payments, and save your receipts so that you can show your actual expenses for these temporary arrangements.

A Wisconsin Insurance Coverage Dispute Lawyer Can Review Your Case

When your property is damaged, you deserve to be repaid for your losses in accordance with your insurance policy. If you have experienced any difficulty receiving payments from your insurance company, you need an experienced attorney on your side who understands insurance law and can help you receive the coverage your policy should provide. Contact the knowledgeable Milwaukee insurance coverage dispute attorneys of Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP at 414-271-1440.




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