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Types of Civil Disputes That Can Be Resolved by Using Mediation

 Posted on January 15, 2024 in Mediation

Blog ImageIn today's fast-paced world, conflicts and disputes are inevitable. When individuals or businesses find themselves involved in civil disputes, they often turn to the legal system for resolution. However, civil litigation can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally draining.

Fortunately, there is an alternative method of resolving civil disputes that is gaining popularity: mediation. During this voluntary process, a neutral third-party mediator helps the disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Mediation offers several benefits over traditional litigation, including cost-effectiveness, speedier resolutions, and greater control over the outcome. An attorney who is qualified to provide mediation services can help resolve multiple types of legal disputes, including those involving:

Business Partner Disputes

Disagreements between business partners are not uncommon in the corporate world. Whether partners encounter disagreements over the direction of the company, financial disputes, or any other conflicts arising from business partnerships, mediation can provide a more collaborative and less adversarial environment for finding mutually agreeable solutions. A mediator with experience in business law can assist partners in identifying their underlying interests and facilitating productive discussions to achieve resolutions that are satisfactory to all parties involved.

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Is a Second OWI Offense More Serious Than a First-Time OWI?

 Posted on January 09, 2024 in DUI / OWI

Blog ImageDrunk driving is a serious offense that can have severe consequences. In Wisconsin, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a criminal offense, and in most cases, repeat offenses are treated more severely than first-time offenses. If you have been charged with operating while intoxicated (OWI) in Wisconsin for the second time, it is crucial to understand the potential consequences, and you can defend against a conviction by seeking legal representation as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can advise you of your options for defense and help you determine the best ways to avoid a second conviction for intoxicated driving.

Prior Convictions

One major factor that determines whether a second OWI offense is more serious than a first-time offense is when a prior conviction occurred. In Wisconsin, there is a lookback period of 10 years for determining prior convictions. This means that any previous OWI conviction within the past 10 years will be taken into account when determining the penalties for a subsequent offense.

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Top Three Reasons for Spousal Support Disputes in Wisconsin

 Posted on January 08, 2024 in Divorce

Blog ImageSpousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is a common point of contention in divorce proceedings. In Wisconsin, spousal support is determined by different factors, including the length of time the couple was married, the amount of money each spouse is able to earn, and the standard of living experienced during the time the couple was married. Depending on what a spouse thinks they are owed for maintenance or what they believe their spouse is owed for maintenance, tensions can run very high when it comes to the topic, leading to disputes of various shapes and sizes. Suppose you are involved in a spousal support dispute. In that case, it is essential to retain the services of a competent lawyer, as this will ensure you know your rights and options as you look to achieve a favorable outcome in the dispute.

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How Is Child Support Determined When Parents Are Unmarried?

 Posted on December 29, 2023 in Family Law

Blog ImageDuring the divorce process, a couple who has children together will need to resolve a variety of concerns related to child custody. In addition to determining where children will live, when they will spend time with each parent, and how the parents will work together to make decisions about how their children will be raised, it will also be necessary to establish child support orders. These orders will ensure that both parents are contributing financially toward their children’s needs. In cases where a couple that is not married has children, many of the same considerations will need to be addressed, and it will be important to understand how child support will be determined

Issues related to child support can be complex and challenging to address when parents are not married and are no longer in a relationship with each other. However, as is true in all family law cases, the best interest of the child will be the top priority for the court. It is crucial for unmarried parents to understand how child support will be calculated and what unique factors may arise in these situations. An experienced attorney can help ensure that these issues will be addressed correctly.

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Can Package Theft Lead to Criminal Charges in Wisconsin?

 Posted on December 28, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Milwaukee Criminal DefenseThe rapid growth of online shopping has unfortunately led to an increase in package theft. Boxes left outside of people’s homes can prove tempting to potential thieves, especially during the holiday season when people may be purchasing expensive gifts. A person who is accused of stealing packages may face criminal charges for theft or other offenses, and if they are convicted, significant penalties may be imposed. By understanding the laws that address package theft in Wisconsin and the options for defending against criminal charges, a person who is charged with these offenses can take steps to defend themselves. During this process, representation from an experienced attorney is crucial.

An Overview of Wisconsin Laws Relating to Package Theft

In general, any form of theft—including stealing packages—is against the law. The specific laws and potential penalties depend on multiple factors such as the value or contents of the stolen item(s), whether force or deception was used during the crime, whether a person is accused of stealing mail delivered to others, and a person's prior criminal record.

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6 Benefits of Using Mediation to Resolve Legal Disputes

 Posted on December 19, 2023 in Medical License Defense

Blog ImageThere are numerous situations where people or organizations may encounter legal disputes. While civil litigation may be necessary in certain situations, resolving disputes in the courtroom can be expensive and time-consuming. To resolve disputes more efficiently and effectively, parties may choose to use other methods, including mediation. An attorney who has experience working with parties to address and resolve disputes can help ensure that the mediation process will be completed successfully.

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) technique that allows parties to resolve their conflicts outside of the courtroom. It involves the use of a trained mediator who facilitates communication between the parties and helps them find common ground.

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Is Domestic Violence More Common During the Holiday Season?

 Posted on December 12, 2023 in Criminal Defense

wisconsin domestic violence defenseThe holiday season is a time when families can come together to celebrate and create lasting memories. However, for some people and families, the holidays can be a time of increased stress and tension. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to an increase in domestic violence incidents. Those who have been accused of domestic violence may face arrests and prosecution, and they will need to understand what steps they can take to address these issues and defend against criminal charges. An attorney who has experience defending clients against sensitive crimes related to accusations of domestic battery or domestic abuse can provide invaluable legal help in these situations, ensuring that a person can protect their rights as they defend against a conviction.

There are multiple reasons why domestic violence incidents may increase during the holidays, including: 

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Can a Postnuptial Agreement Help Prevent a Divorce?

 Posted on December 08, 2023 in Divorce

Milwaukee postnup lawyerA postnuptial agreement, also known as a post-marital agreement, is a legal contract entered into by married couples after they have tied the knot. While prenuptial agreements are signed before marriage, postnuptial agreements are created during the course of the marriage. A postnup can detail how the division of assets and debts will be handled if a couple chooses to divorce or separate, and it may also address other financial issues, such as whether one party will pay spousal support to the other.

In recent years, postnuptial agreements have gained popularity among couples who want to protect their individual interests and clarify financial expectations within their marriage. But can these agreements actually help prevent divorce? An attorney can provide guidance on what terms may be included in a postnuptial agreement and the benefits that a postnup can provide.

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How Will Remarriage Affect Spousal Support Payments in Wisconsin?

 Posted on December 06, 2023 in Divorce

Wisconsin Alimony AttorneySpousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is a common issue addressed in divorce cases. The purpose of spousal support is to bridge the gap between divorcing spouses and enable the lower-earning spouse to maintain a similar standard of living after divorce.

In Wisconsin, spousal support payments are determined on a case-by-case basis by considering various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's income and earning capacity, the age and health of both parties, the division of property, and whether there were any agreements between the spouses that specified whether spousal support would be paid. 

If the court determines that spousal support should be paid, a couple’s divorce decree will specify the amount and duration of these payments. However, changes may occur in the couple’s lives in the years following their divorce, including the remarriage of either party. When either the paying spouse or the recipient spouse gets remarried, they will need to determine how this may affect spousal support payments. An attorney with experience in family law matters can provide guidance in these situations, ensuring that issues related to spousal support will be addressed correctly.

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When Can Litigation Be Used to Resolve Employment Disputes?

 Posted on December 01, 2023 in Business Law

Employment DisputesEmployment disputes can arise in various situations, ranging from wrongful termination and discrimination to wage and hour violations. When these conflicts cannot be resolved through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution methods, business litigation may be necessary to seek a resolution. Employers or employees who are involved in these types of disputes can work with an attorney who has experience in these types of cases to determine their legal options and make sure their rights will be protected.

The Role of Litigation in Employment Disputes

Litigation refers to the process of resolving legal disputes through the court system. In employment law, litigation involves filing a lawsuit alleging a violation of employment laws or contractual agreements. While litigation is often a last resort due to its time-consuming nature and the potential costs involved, it can provide the parties involved in a case with the opportunity to achieve justice when other avenues have been exhausted.

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